The kennel is registered in RКF-FCI in 2002. We professionally engaged in cultivation of sleek-haired and long-haired Chihuahua every possible colors, "mini" and "standard", dogs "show", "breed" and "pet" class. In our kennel you will always pick up to yourselves the puppy for liking, receive professional consultation on education, cultivation and veterinary science. It is impossible to express in roubles or other material assets all that kind and joyful that gives Chihuahua to the person. For a long time it is established: the dog is extremely necessary to people, so to say, "as a hobby" the more the person comes off wildlife, then stronger its requirement a particle of this nature at home. Chihuahua as full members of a family live in city apartments, play with children, "deduce" owners on walks, help to remove the stressful condition caused by a modern rhythm of a life, learn skills to communicate. Dialogue with these dogs, enriches an inner world of the person, does it more brightly opens to it a window in new, unknown earlier area of concepts and representations, more emotionally. We invite fans and professionals to our site, we are always glad to new acquaintances. With best regards, Andrey Rumjantsev.